POUND: What’s in it for you?

Related Links:

POUND Offical Website: https://poundfit.com/about/

Golds Gym Idaho Falls: http://www.goldsgym.com/ammon/about/

Schedule for POUND at Golds Gym: http://www.goldsgym.com/ammon/calendar/


This story came up when I learned that majority of the students at BYU-Idaho have no idea what this awesome workout is. I decided to interview my friends who are Pound Pro Instructors to help others understand how awesome this rock out workout really is!

After interviewing the instructors and Pound class members, I realized that this is a great way to spread the word about Pound at BYU-Idaho. I think that this workout program would be a great asset to the exercise program/classes that are offered on campus. Pound isn’t just for women, men can rock out too!


If POUND was taught at BYU-Idaho, would you try it?
I am not sure
pollcode.com free polls

Photo Slideshow:

Licensing and Disclaimer:

This feature video is strictly for educational purposes. I am in no way affiliated with ©POUND.

Choreography, music, and logos seen in video are licensed/copyrighted by ©POUND.



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Event Video – COMM360


Family History Center Event: Our Community Against Domestic Violence

This event was held on November 10th at the Romance Theater in Rexburg, ID.

The main goal for the event was to showcase that people will have the resource to get help with domestic violence or abuse.

FDCNC 350 Final

The Desert News Article:  My view: Cutting methane waste provides chance to purify air, boost economy is speaking to us to let us know that Methane is polluting a great chunk of the state of Utah.

  • What is my claim?

Cutting methane waste provides chance to purify air

  • Who is the audience for this argument?

Population of Utah, Naturalist, Families, Environmentalists

  • Support for my claim:

Only two counties outside of California and Texas made the top 15 list of most-polluted counties — and both are in rural northeastern Utah. With that being said, More than 138 million people, nearly 44 percent of the nation, live in areas plagued with dirty air.

The Article went on to state that the “Increase in smog can cause serious health impacts, including aggravated asthma, chronic bronchitis and heart attacks. This adds up to the new reality for everyday Utahns like you and me — lost school and work days, more frequent hospital visits and higher health care costs.”  This general principle shows us that we do not want to pay more money for doctor visits just for breathing in dirty air. We do not want to have anything like such affect us.

For the first time in the “State of the Air” report, Utah’s rural Uintah and Duchesne counties were both among the top-25 worst counties for ozone. (In 2013, both counties had a combined population of approximately 55,000; Los Angeles had a population of nearly 4 million.) These two counties also have the most oil-and-gas producing wells in the state.





Choice 1: Ezekiel 1–3. Watchman for the Lord

Read Ezekiel 1:1; 2:1–4; 3:17–21; 33:1–7 and the institute student manual commentary for Ezekiel 1:1, 4–28, “Ezekiel’s Record of His Vision” (pg. 265). Then answer the following questions:

  • What did Ezekiel see?

– God the eternal father sitting upon his throne in heaven.

  • What was Ezekiel called to do?    

– He was called to preach repentance unto the Jews and testify to them of the state of their wickedness.

  • What was the previous and current condition of the children of Israel? 

– The children of Israel were and are still in a state of confusion and wickedness.

  • What are the responsibilities of a watchman?

– The responsibilities of the watchman are to worn teach and testify. To make those around them aware of what they are doing and to stand against those things that are wrong.

  • How do Jacob 1:19; Moroni 9:6 relate to the principles of being a “watchman” for the Lord? 

– They relate by the commandment we are given to spread the word of the lord and the condemnation we will be under if we fell to do so.

  • Who has the Lord called as watchman in the Church today?

– The prophet Thomas S. Monson, but I also believe that each one of us in some way are called to be a watchman for the Lord in this day.

Choice 4: Jeremiah 16:1–21. Old Testament Destruction and Latter Day Hope

a. Read Jeremiah 16:10–13 and list five reasons why Jeremiah prophesied that Jerusalem would be destroyed and Judah taken captive.

  • Their fathers forsook Christ
  • They have worshipped other Gods
  • Have not kept the law of the Lord
  • They do not keep the commandments of God and basically do whatever they want to
  • They have not listened to God

b. Read Jeremiah 16:14–21 and describe in a few sentences what is prophesied to happen in the days to come. Additionally, answer the following questions:

The lost tribes of Israel will be gathered.  Missionaries will go into every country on every continent to seek out the elect of God.  The lost tribes will know who God is and will be able to choose either to follow or not.

How will the Lord take His word to the whole earth?

The Lord will use missionaries to take His word to the whole earth.  We see this today, especially with the recent lowering of a person’s age in order to be able to serve.

Why do you think the Lord used the terms fishers and hunters to describe what He would do? (see institute student manual commentary for Jeremiah 16:13–21, “Doom and Delivery,” pg. 241).

The Lord uses the analogy of fishermen fishing for men quite a lot.  When I served my mission, I was going out into the land and fishing or hunting for the elect, those who were prepared and ready to listen to the gospel and come unto Christ.  Just like fishing and hunting requires a lot of patience and skill, so does seeking those ready to come unto Christ.  It requires a lot of spiritual preparation and following the commandments of God.

According to Moses 7:62; Alma 22:14 what will be their message?

These messengers will carry the testimony of Christ and His ministry.  They will carry the message of repentance and the atonement.

Choice 1: Jeremiah 34–52. Prophecies Fulfilled, Jerusalem Destroyed

(a) Read 1 Nephi 1:4; Jeremiah 34:1–3 and refer to the Bible Dictionary chronology chart (pg. 639). Then answer the following questions:

• In what year of Zedekiah’s reign did Nephi begin his record?

The first year of the reign of Zedekiah, king of Judah.

• What did Nephi state was happening at this time in Jerusalem?

There were many prophets prophesying to the people that they must repent or the great city of Jerusalem will be destroyed.

b.   What was Jeremiah commanded to declare unto Zedekiah?

That the Lord will give the city to the King of Babylon and will be burned with fire and that Zedekiah would be captured and brought to the King of Babylon.

(c) Read Jeremiah 52:1–13 and the institute student manual commentary for Jeremiah 37–39, “A Prophet’s ‘Reward’” (pgs. 248–49). Describe in writing what took place. After reading Jeremiah 38:14–28; Jeremiah 39:1–7, write a description of the dialogue between Zedekiah and Jeremiah and the outcome that followed. What advice would you give Zedekiah?

Zedekiah became King after his wicked nephew.   Zedekiah wanted to destroy the Babylonian’s.  The Babylonians came against Jerusalem.  King Nebuchadnezzar pulled the Babylonians away for a time but they soon came back to fight Jerusalem.  Jeremiah’s enemies seized the opportunity to accuse him of joining the Chaldeans.  They asked for his life, but Zedekiah secretly let him go.  Zedekiah was met with a terrible fate. Jeremiah was released and lived in Jerusalem as a free man.

Zedekiah would not hearken to Jeremiah’s warnings.  Zedekiah wanted to keep these warnings a secret.  He did not want Jeremiah telling his people.  Jeremiah went to prison.  Zedekiah should of listened to Jeremiah’s warnings and in turn the Lord would have given him strength.

Choice 2: Ecclesiastes. Seeing Life Clearly

(a) Read the Bible Dictionary for “Ecclesiastes,” (pg. 659), and complete the following statements:

  • The book of Ecclesiastes consists of reflections on some of the deepest problems of life.
  • The author describes himself as son of David, king in Jerusalem.
  • Ecclesiastes is written from the point of view of the world.
  • Ecclesiastes should not be construed as theological pronouncements on the conditions of the soul after death.
(b) Read Ecclesiastes 1–2 and list five ways the author sought happiness but couldn’t find it. After each item on your list, write the reference of the verse where you found it.

He tried to find happiness by manual labor, trying to see, trying to hear, pleasures of the world and planting orchards.

(c) Read Ecclesiastes 3:1–8 and compare it with the principles that are taught in Mosiah 4:27; Doctrine and Covenants 10:4; 111:11; Luke 10:38–42. Write a paragraph describing why the timing and order of our activities are so important. Note some examples of how major events of life when done at the wrong time or out of order could seriously hurt an individual’s eternal progress. What do you think the Lord wants you to accomplish during this “time and season” of your life?

Timing in life is everything! There is a time and place for everything. I think a lot of people are spending too much time on things they think are “important” or what will make us happy. The Lord has already planned for us what needs to happen, and we need to put our trust in him.

(d) As you read Ecclesiastes 4–5, choose two principles to incorporate into your life. Write about them.

-It is better to have wisdom in the Lord than have the riches of the world. I can focus on coming close to the Lord and doing His will before worrying about riches.

-Keeping your promises. Never promise something you can’t follow through with.

(e) Read Ecclesiastes 12:7, 13–14 and answer the following questions:
  • What happens to us when we die?

We go to the Spirit World. Prison or Paradise.

  • What is “the whole duty of man”?

To fear God and keep His commandments.

  • Why is this a good description of man’s purpose?

It is because our purpose is to become like him and fear His disappointment in us. Doing this can be motivating for doing good.

Choice 2- John 14:15–17, 26–27; 15:26–27; 16:7–8, 13–14. The Savior’s Instructions about the Holy Ghost

  1. As you study the following verses, make a list of what the Savior taught about (1) what the Holy Ghost does and (2) what disciples must do to receive the Holy Ghost:
    • John 14:15–17
      • The Holy Ghost will be with us
      • We must pray unto the Father
    • John 14:26–27
      • He will teach all things taught by Christ and bring those things unto our remembrance
      • Don’t allow your heart to be troubled
    • John 15:26–27
      • The Spirit will testify of Christ
      • You must also testify of Christ
    • John 16:7–8
      • The Spirit will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness and of judgment
      • They have to let Christ go
    • John 16:13–14
      • He will speak the things Christ speaks and not the things he, himself speaks
      • Await the things the Spirit will announce the coming of
  2. Add to your list above as you study the following resources:
    • Institute student manual Points to Ponder, “The Holy Ghost Brings Man to His Fullest Potential” (pg. 168)
      • It quickens all of the intellectual faculties
      • Stand in Holy Places
    • Institute student manual Points to Ponder, “As a Messenger of the Godhead, the Holy Ghost Teaches Faithful Members” (pg. 168)
      • Bears witness of the Father and the Son
      • Obey the commandments of the Father and the Son
    • Bible Dictionary, “Holy Ghost” (pg. 704)
      • Acts as a cleansing agent and can purify someone of sin
      • We must be worthy in order to receive it
  3. Review your list of what the Holy Ghost does. Then write responses to the following tasks:
    • Describe how the Holy Ghost helped the Apostles fulfill their missions after the Savior’s death and resurrection.
      • I see it as this: The Holy Ghost speaks the truth, and when one of the apostles wanted to know what to do next, they prayed unto the Father; then the Spirit is given a command and it is then passed on.
    • Write a paragraph about a time when the Holy Ghost blessed you in one of the ways you listed above. Give an example of how the Holy Ghost has inspired you.
      • There were several times where I felt prompted to do or not to do things. Some of those biggest times were when I felt prompted to stay away from certain places; I don’t know why, but for some reason I was being told that where I was heading was not safe and that I needed to turn around.

Choice 5: John 13:34–35. A New Commandment

1. According to John 13:34–35, how can others know if we are disciples of Jesus Christ?
“If ye have love one to another”
2. List some specific ways a disciple of Jesus Christ might respond in the following situations (in accordance with John 13:34–35):
  • Someone you know is ridiculed or made fun of because of the way he or she dresses.
You might say something to them in private. Help them dress better or offer some suggestions on what might look better. 
  • You see a new person at church.
Introduce yourself. Help them feel welcome. Just be sincere and honestly tell them you are glad they’re at church.
3. Ponder the question, “Do people know that I am a disciple of Jesus Christ by the way I treat them?” Select a family member, coworker, or neighbor and make a short list of things you can do during the coming week to show him or her the kind of love the Savior would show. Then follow through with what you wrote down.
I chose to pick my husband and show him that I love him this week; I think that people around me know that I am a disciple of Jesus Christ by the way I act, but I think there is always room for improvement and I should always be working to increase those relationships. I think it is sometimes interesting how we treat the ones we love most, the worst. I think it is because we spend so much time with them that it becomes easy sometimes. He helps me on a daily basis and I take a lot of it for granted.
  • Saying compliments more often
  • Reminding him that I love him
  • Offering to help
  • Listening more than talking
  • Trying to understand
  • Spending quality time together